REF No. | Description | |
016-005-101 | 1.5m neonatal flexible tubing, 15F T-piece connector with adjustable PEEP valve | 60 |
016-005-102 | 1.5m neonatal flexible tubing, 15F T-piece connector with adjustable PEEP valve, silicone mask #000 | 60 |
016-005-103 | 1.5m neonatal flexible tubing, 15F T-piece connector with adjustable PEEP valve, silicone mask #00 | 60 |
016-005-104 | 1.5m neonatal flexible tubing, 15F T-piece connector with adjustable PEEP valve, silicone mask #0 | 60 |
016-005-105 | 1.5m neonatal flexible tubing, 15F T-piece connector with adjustable PEEP valve,silicone mask #1 | 60 |